Contact Us

people around a table

Statistics for Action, TERC
2067 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
617-873-9600 fax 617-873-9831



Are you using Statistics for Action? We'd love to hear what you think!

Send us a Facilitator Feedback Form in PDF or Online: Please review this form before you lead an SfA activity, so you'll know what information to look for. Fill it out after the meeting.

You can also distribute a short Participant Evaluation to participants right after they finish an SfA activity. [También en Español.] Mail them to us at the address above, or scan and email to

Informational Flyer: Because Statistics for Action is a research project, we request that you post an informational flyer about SfA in the room anytime you use our activities. The flyer is also available in Spanish.