Environmental & Health Guides
These guides each provide a narrative overview of some aspect of environmental quality management. They can be useful for an organizer or community leader who wants a deeper understanding. Each guide steps you through a process, with advice about what to look out for, and how communities can be involved.
Air Quality Guide:
Know What You're Breathing (20 pp)
An overview of air quality testing: connecting odors and industries to specific pollutants, getting the right equipment, collecting samples, reading results, assessing risks, and communicating to the public and decision-makers.
También en Español: Guía de Calidad del Aire: Sepa lo que está respirando (20 p)
Soil Quality Guide:
Digging into the Dirt (18 pp)
An overview of soil quality testing: collecting samples, testing for contamination, reading results, and communicating to the public.
También en Español: Guía de Calidad del Suelo: Excave en el suelo (18 p)
Water Quality Guide:
Read Before You Drink (20 pp)
An overview of water quality testing: collecting samples, testing for contamination, reading the results, and communicating to the public.
También en Español: Guía de calidad del agua: Lea antes de beberla (20 p)
The extended version of this guide (116 pp) has more details about groundwater, surface water, case studies, and regulations and data tables used by the EPA.
Hazardous Waste Cleanup Guide:
Containing the Danger (16 pp)
An overview of hazardous waste site remediation, assessing the problem, reviewing cleanup options, setting cleanup goals, monitoring progress, and reporting back to the community.
También en Español: Guía de Limpieza de
Residuos Peligrosos:
Cómo Contener el
Peligro (16 p)
Guide to State Cancer Profiles:
Understanding Cancer Statistics for Community Action (23 pp)
A guide to using the CDC's State Cancer Profiles web resource, including how to navigate the data on cancer trends, and how to compare your local data to statewide or national data.